It is no surprise to anyone when they hear a story surrounding police controversy these days however this one touches the political arena.
On the evening of September 4th, 2020 in Monroe County, New York a truck was involved in a accident resulting in the death of 2 people and the trucker fled the scene before the police arrived. The suspect drove away in his truck and returned to the truck yard located in Jersey City, NJ owned by Kandi Holdings LLC.
Mr. Kyron Hodges the owner of Kandi Holdings LLC was alerted to a police investigation at his truck yard. He arrived and asked the investigating officers with the Jersey City police dept what was going on. They informed him about the accident and that the suspect is one of his drivers. The driver however was never arrested and the truck was not seized only the trailer with the mail in it even though the driver told them they have the wrong truck.
They went on to tell him the trailer would be impounded during the investigation. He explained the load inside the trailer is very important vip cargo and needed to be delivered. The police refused to release the cargo and stated it is part of the investigation.
Mr. Hodges went on to explain the load consists of Donald Trump’s campaign mail and the importance of its successful delivery. The officers did not care and continued with what they were doing. Mr. Hodges then asked if they had a warrant to seize the load of mail and they replied they did not but they were seizing it anyway. Mr. Hodges was shocked by their reply.
Mr. Hodges has a history of harassment from local police over the years but this time he was truly shocked. The police are disregarding the fact that mail from the United States President is being kept from delivery for no reason. Mr. Hodges explains they are not answering his calls and will not tell him the whereabouts of the presidents campaign mail that was illegally seized in New Jersey and taken to New York Please weigh in with your thoughts in the comment section. Is this an attack against Trump’s campaign by local law enforcement or just a disregard to the constitutional rights of Americans or an attack on Mr. Hodges? Hmmm, a lot to take into consideration. This is a story I thought should be brought to light.