Supastars magazine went to Trouble Town Texas and found another up coming artist Papah Soljah what’s good with you?
Im good sir jus keeping everything movin not staying stagnant its a blessing to be apart of what u got goin on here?
First off how did you come up with the name Papah Soljah?
Ok first off everyone thinks its pronounced “papa” its pronounced “paper” i jus spell it that way but it came from me n my big brother one day we jus made a name for what we represent we stand on morals n princaples its deeper than anyone will ever know Its a family its not a gang
Coming up in Temple Texas how was it and what made you choose to be in the rapgame?
It was aright i can say it wasnt the worse my mom made the best out of every situation for us i brought my own troubles,and i went thru somthin on my own when i was mabye 13 goin on 14 it made my way of thinking change and i saw success in telling my story with rapping
Was it hard for you wanting to get into the rapgame being a Latino rapper coming out of Temple Texas?
They tend to underestimate my color but im putting on for the Latino culture in the rap industry i gotta make a name for us.
Who would you say influenced you musically getting into the rap game???
Kevin gates influenced me bwa (breadwinnersaccosiation) is prolly the only label id sign too or atlantic mabye other than that im goin out independent.
I hear it’s a lot of police brutality and racial profiling in Temple Texas have you ever became a victims of any of this???
no sir i dont come in contact with police and if i do from traffic stops then i respect them n let them get out the way they always have the upper hand so there no point resisting anything
Street life or music life was it a hard decision to make??
.yes mentally n physicaly cuz u have to have money to survive n it takes patience with this music stuff u gotta stay down .i have no doubt ill be the biggest mexican rapper in the world within a year or two tho i believe in manifestation n speaking things into existence and thats the key too my success
How was it working with Cory M Photos on your video Steppin???
It was great i really fw dude man that’s fam but yea we set that up hes the best out texas forsure and we have alot more work coming.
How did you come up with the song Steppin?
The last verse was written when i was 13 goin on 14 prolly,the rest was recent work i had stored away i put it all ina pot n broke my wrist.
When you in the lab working what is it that puts you in that zone to do what you do on the mic?
All i need is my god sir, when i step in the booth somthing comes over me its like im not here anymore might sound weird but thats jus wat it is i put my soul into ever track.
Are there any other Latino rappers in Temple Texas we need to look out for?
Not that i know of i dont look at nothing from the city i jus worry about myself im a introvert bad .
Any new projects you working on?
I got my first mixtape ever coming out soon dont have a name but it will be something to look out for forsure.
If you could get a feature from any artist who would it be and why?
Kevin gates i dont care for any other feature. Ill have wat i want if i get that one.
Is it hard in Temple Texas to get to exposure from the major music industry?
Yes its very hard feels like were left out a lil but thats where i come in i will be the person to put my city on the map shit i aready did prolly?
What’s your thoughts on Yella Beezy getting shot is the hate that bad in Temple Texas?
Every action theres a reaction to everything n life yella beezy knew wat he did to deserve that but that made em a better person that he got through it n survived. Godbless em.
What’s your thoughts on South Park Mexican from Dope House Records dropping a album from the penitentiary?
I liked south park mexican when i was younger and my dad was locked up with his brother but im the new face of this latino rap game godbless em and his family wish em the best all respect to him.
Do you prefer lean or the green?
Neither i prefer to keep a sober mind anything that alters the mind isnt really good i use to love me som drank n shit tho.
If you had to choose between getting a record deal and selling out or struggling staying independent which would you choose and why?
I would jus stay independent if anything aint no selling out or nothing like that but when i said “illuminati come n get me” i meant that n since ive said it my lifes changed .
Where do you see yourself in 2 years??
In a mansion on a secluded island drinking somthing i cannot pronounce with my family .
Do you have any social media sites like Instagram Snapchat Youtube or Facebook?
Yessir youtube instagram facebook jus type papah soljah.
If someone wants to book you for a show or feature who do they contact?
If someone needs me for ANYTHING hml on any of my social medias ill always respond .
Any last words or shout outs?
Papah soljahs will not lay down for any disrepect we stand on all 10 in any situation nothing but solid,stiff, folks round me no peons i wanna give a shoutout to my lil bro victor molina ,my big bro tristan Collins free u boy ,my momma, and last but not least my woman thats holdin me down thru the thick and thin mane godbless and take care yall gona see me at the top sooner than later. Allahu akbar .
Interview by TreDuBB Editor and Boss Supastarsmag