Are you originally from Austin Texas
No, I was born in Lubbock TX and raised all over the country because my father was in the Air Force
Coming up as a youth was your childhood
My childhood was fast really can’t remember too much because we moved from state to state often. there were times in my childhood where I spent a lot of times in daycare on Air Force bases
When did you start recognizing you have a talent with music
Right around the 10th grade in high school I was playing football at San Bernardino high school and my teammates word DJs and MCS this was the time frame when rap was first introduced into my life up until then I had been listening to funk R&B light rock and classical music
Were you brought up in the church environment
No we never really went to church except if we were at our grandmother’s house for the summer
How did you come up with the name Deejay Slyce
At first, I wanted to be a rapper and my stage name was blast Master kid slice
This was a name that I had made-up once I had started trying to make rap songs
Then it got shortened to just kid slice by this time I was a working DJ. all this was in a time frame of 1985 through 1989. Most people who are close to me just call me SLYCE DJ is a title.
Did you attend any college
Yes, I attended 2 semesters of Community College. I attended McClellan community college in Waco TX. I was also married at the time with two kids. A full-time job at Black Eyed pea and deejaying on the weekend at a popular nightclub and put it in studio work producing some songs.
When did you start getting into radio broadcasting.
That was may of 2014on Waco’s first black radio station 1049 the beat. I got a chance to come in and board operation for the Russ Parr morning show. Eventually it led to mixing on air and then having my own air shift.
Hiw did you end up becoming a part of the KAZI organization
A good friend of mine was getting an interviewing on a show on KAZI and asked me to come. The host of the show asked me to come and guest DJ the night I did the general manager at the time Steve savage ask me to join KAZI. I’ve been there ever since that was in 2017.
So you were there around the time my friend DJ teddy and Steve savage were there
Definitely I attribute my smooth transition into the Austin community to Steve savage for allowing me to get in places and do what I do and then my boy teddy bear me and him we have a strong friendship. Definitely have to thank those two for taking me under the wing and showing me Austin TX
They call you the voice and soul of Austin TX how do you get that title or was it already created before you started working at KAZI
The voice and soul of Austin has always referred to KAZI 88.7 FM. The radio station as a whole. I’m never thought that I would be or could be the voice and soul of Austin since I’m not from Austin.
Do you have your own radio show during the day on KAZI.
Yes , it’s called the revamp it airs 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM central Standard Time Monday through Friday except if there’s a holiday that falls on the weekday or we broadcast City Council. You could check it out by logging into KAZIFM.ORG just click the listen live tab or download the TuneIn radio app to a smart device and search KAZI Austin and you can listen that way as well.
Is KAZI 88.7 FM the only station in Austin TX that plays a mixture of different genres of music including hip hop and R&B or is there another competitor in Austin TX.
We are the only one that’s what makes this so special and we are black-owned. Question how is the broadcasting life treating you.
It is treating me OK so far it is allowing me to connect where I need to be connected and plus there are some perks you know like free stuff; I love free stuff especially when it comes to food.
I understand recently that KAZI 88.7 FM went through some staff changes earlier this year and a lot of the old staff aren’t there anymore can you touch on that situation.
Sorry my friend I can’t answer that question I don’t have the authority to.
If there was something you could change when it comes to these crazy radio broadcasting politics what would it be and why would you change it.
One thing I would change would be the ability to obtain and FM or AM frequency 2 minorities.
And all black-owned radio station is a powerful thing for a black community.
What would you say was your crazy experience since you’ve been in broadcasting.
I would have to say almost getting trampled by grown women trying to get to Bow Wow at a meet and greet in Waco TX craziest thing ever grown women man grown women.
You also do live remotes have you done any wild tailgating at any Texas Longhorn games.?
Not not yet keyword yet.
Who is your college football team you’re going with.
Oh I roll with the Ohio State Buckeyes.
What about NBA and NFL.
For the NBA i rock with spurs and for the NFL I roll with Cleveland browns, Dawgpound for life.
I know the ladies when they read this are going to want to know what’s your relationship status.
My relationship status is single. Been married been divorced.
What advice would you have for any artists wanting to submit their music to a radio station for airplay.
First build a relationship with the jocks then make sure your music is clean radio edited and be humble and persistent.
Is it hard for artists to get their music into a radio station playlist rotation.
Yes, it is for commercial radio station. For community radio stations it’s all about who you know at the station and the relationship with commercial radio stations they’re pretty much ran by the record companies and the program directors. community radio stations I ran by volunteers if you know the volunteer or the DJ that’s playing then you have a real shot.
A lot of rappers are dying in the music industry either by drugs or overdose or they get murdered what is your opinion or thoughts on the situation.
Ooverdosing on drugs is just an individual’s responsibility you have the choice whether you want to take the drug or not it’s glamorized and TV social media and, in the music, but the deaths are very real and the pain Is real. The violence is just mind blowing it’s almost saying if rappers of this generation are being mind controlled to do these extreme things when rap music first came out it wasn’t about killing it was about coming together. flirted with the promises of making a lot of money you have this culture now.
Do you think payola still exists in the music industry.
Yes, no doubt I think it was there from the beginning and I think it’s going to be there to the end.
What genre of music do you listen to in your downtime.
Honestly , I try not to listen to music when I have downtime. unless I’m listening to a song somebody sent me to play on the air.
What other skills do you have.
Well a very talented at a lot of things one being music DJ producing editing and since I’m a marine shooting anything radio first entertaining management and also counseling.
Have you ever thought about creating your own podcast.
Yes, I have thought about it but I came to the conclusion that I just don’t have the amount of time that I would need to properly do that.
What would you say is the hardest part about your job.
I would have to say dealing with people who don’t know radio.
Do you also do radio interviews and if so, who was your best interview.
Yes , I do radio interviews the best one so far has been the godfather of rap Kurtis Blow. Question what was your craziest caller who called in to request a song or anything else to you.
I would have to say it was lonely lady that just wanted to hear my voice and she called me every morning just to talk and say hi.
When you’re not on the air jamming out what are you doing in your spare time. Any hobbies.
Oh that’s easy in my spare time I’m either on Madden since we all have NCAA college football no more it’s coming back but we don’t have it just yet or I’m watching horror films. And when I find the time, I like the bowl. every now and then I’ll hop in the studio make a couple of beats.
What are your thoughts on the black communities in Austin TX.
Oh that’s a simple one, we need to support each other.
What changes do you feel should be made to better our black communities not just in Austin Texas but around the country.
Well the first thing that needs to happen is we need to start being self-sufficient that means the money we spend doesn’t even go anywhere else but in our own communities for as long as possible we don’t have anybody that has money that’s black investing in the community as far as land wise food wise transportation wise school wise and financial banks, and hospitals. Plus, I’ve seen in a lot of cities if you’re not in a certain circle you won’t have access.
Are you apart of any organization in your community.
Yes , I’m part of the Texas broadcaster’s association.
Now that South by Southwest is back what’s that looking like for Kazi, do y’all still participate and interview musicians?
Absolutely the whole goal is to spotlight and showcase up and coming artists during South by Southwest.
With all the growth in Austin TX, what’s the future looking like for Kazi 88.7 FM.
It looks like it’s going to be a positive growth for the radio station. There are things that are in place that I’m looking very positive in my opinion.
What’s the future looking like for DEEJAY SLYCE with KAZI.
Well I can say this doesn’t look like I’m going anywhere for a hot minute. But things change I’ll just have to be ready for it.
If people want to reach out and donate, how do they go about doing it.
Well if they want to donate to the station, just go to click that donate tab and you will be able to make a secured donation. Now if you want to just donate to me personally, I have cash app, at tag is $DJSLYCE everything is appreciated.
If someone wants to book you for an event how do they contact you. Answer several ways, the best way is by phone that number is 254 214 9604. Or email me
What time and days can we TuneIn to catch you on the air.
Monday through Friday, 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM central Standard Time except if there’s a holiday on the weekday and City Council.
What are your social media. Answer
Instagram Deejay SLYCE
Twitter @deejayslyce
What advice would you get to anyone wanting to get into radio broadcasting.
Be persistent, learn to think fast, and know how to talk. Be humble, and try to be as entertaining as you can.
If there was one thing you could go back and change about your life or a decision you made in your life what would it be and why.
Honestly , I wouldn’t go back and change anything all my experiences have led me to where I am today.
Is there anything you want to mention to the peeps that we didn’t touch on.
I do want to say this though, I feel like artist should understand DJs are needed for your exposure. And they should have at least one strong relationship with a DJ.
Any last words or mentions.
I’d like to thank you man for giving me this opportunity sit down with you and have this interview appreciate all the love. And when you in town holla at Ya boy.