Cleveland Mississippi.We appreciate it.
2.Also congratulates on your 2009 SEA WIN!& your Duval Diamond Award Win!Did
you expect to win?
If anybody should it should be me lol no Seriously!!!!
3.How did you star off in the music industry?Do you remember your first
deejaying gig?You also got some Military Aircraft Electrician skills right?
It was in my veins to be a Dj or a Preacher well Looks like the DJ
Won! Started by hangin around with Older Djs and doing whatever I
could to be at the local radio station. Carrying Records, Equipment,
Running Errands, just to be around the business.
My first gig yes sirrrr!!! Lacy Hall Bass Amplifier, Home Stereo, did
the Records & Double Cassette Player Mix!!! lmao!!!!
Millitary yes got skills to pay the bills Aircraft Instrument Repair,
Flight Control System Expert, short version from Fighter Jets to
you want me there if you got a problem.
coalition?When did you become a Hittmenn Dj?
One of them yes !!! I RESPECT ALL DJS!! from the Country Jock in a
Blues Club, or the College Campus Dj, all the way to the top. Just
dont disrespect me so you dont have to find out about the other side
of Bigg V.
do you feel are indusrty ready?Who’s hot in Mississippi on the underground
Maaaaane a lot of cats are Ready! Some more than others!!! ck the
mixtape Judge for yourself..I have to be politically correct here. Yes
Yes I was the GM of 7 Radio Stations what most dont know is I know the
Radio Station business from all angles. P and L statements, bottomline
reports, FCC regulations, ASCAP/BMI/Sesac fees, Ratings, Programming,
Production, Salaries, LMA’s you get my drift.
One of the hardest Dj’s Period!!!! Saw his grind and talent is Space
Age!!! You gotta align yourself with the right team of people.
CoolRunnings, Team BIgga Rankin, and my hometeam The Hotjocks!!!
Staffing up and making some moves drumrollllllll! Label coming soon.
Yes FEMA CHECK Part2? and more.
Simple when a Dj can gas up for free, get CDJ’s, Turntables, Needles,
Serato, laptops, Speakers, Amplifiers, Tracktor, Speaker Wires,
Microphones, Mixers, Hard Drives, Lights, Speaker Stands, Clothing,
Living Expenses, Promotional Flyers, Equipment Bags, Transportation
and more for Free!!!! Wellllll there you have it.
can they go about it?
662-347-4136 or or call me at my office 662-843-4091×18
Becoming Debt Free!!!!!!!
furture.Any Last Words?
Yea thanx TREDUBB and Supastars Magazine for the interview
Make your Target the Universe and you will get the Earth, State, City,
town and Etc. Yes and help some Get Some Money!!! and Repeat!
Bigg V Dj/Radio,Clubs,&Streets
Jammin 104/Power 106.5/Carnivo XO
Hittmenn Djs/HotJocks/Down-South Djs
Team Bigga Rankin/Cool Runnings