What made you get into your craft and what age were you when you started? I’ve Been Into Deejaying since the 80’s, i’ve been deejaying professionally since like 2003, i think i 1st messed with turntables maybe early 90’s
How did you end of at Screwed Up Records and Taoes? after Dj Screw Passed Away , I didn’t really like the mixxes I was hearing, so i started making my own mixxes, I was already going by the screwshop, So 1 Day While buying some tapes, i was talking to D-Ray (Big D) who was working at the shop, he heard 1 of my mixxes, and said they were looking for a deejay, the rest is History.
How long have you been a part of Screwed Up Records and Tapes? 2006 or 2007, can’t remember exactly
Who all is a part of Screwed Up Records and Tapes? far as the shop,it’s Big Bubb(Dj Screw’s Cousin) (Big A) and me, but have other Patnas,that come thru as well
We were at Screwed Up Records and Tapes a few years back for the I Been On video shoot TreDuBB shot inside there Shout out to Big A aka Shoes2Scrwes and Big Bubb.
Have you worked with any artist outside of the United States? yes, i’ve done mixtapes, and projects for people, from Iraq,Germany,Japan,Canada, Mexico, as Well As All over the United States.
Who are some of the artists you have worked with? Z-Ro,C-Bo, Spice 1, Lil Flip, Wood,Grace,Yungstar,South Park Mexican,and many, many more,thankful for all (Salute)
What future projects are you working on? Man I work on a project almost everyday, whether local or otherwise, I do mixtapes,albums, singles, and videos, whatever needs to be done
What advice would you have for anyone wanting to be a deejay? find some equipment you’re comfortable with, after you’ve done that practice,practice, then after you tired of practicing, practice some more…..
What artist would you consider to be the next coming out of Houston? man it’s so many great artist out of the H, but I Like Yung Easy,Cal Wayne, Pud Entertainment, of Course all the Legends
Do you produce beats? naw, not yet, but soon
How is the Houston music scene since COVID 19 hit the city? man, everybody trying to continue, to do their thang, and survive, in my opinion, we good, as a artist u gotta constantly network,that’ll keep you in business
What motivates you to continue what you doing? I’m a music lover, plus the people, who like what I do, as we say at the Screwshop “Screw Luv” (Salute)
Name 3 words that define Dj Red? Motivated, Creative,Laid Back
I know sometimes we all have times when we feel we fell short of a goal we tried to achieve, name a time when that happened to you and how you bounced back? Going to college, getting a few degrees, and not being able to find a job, because of Having felonies, how I bounce back, by praying,believing in God, and having other things in my life,that keeps me going.
Did Dj Screw influence you to wanna start slowing and chopping music? Yes, of Course, Iv’e been a major fan of Dj Screw since 1991, when I st heard of a tape, my homeboy had, it’s not just the slowing and chopping ,I Love about screw,but also the scratching,the blending, overall that Man Was, and Is the best deejay I’ve ever heard on 2 turntables
If you could have a moment in your life you could go back to what would it be and why? i would say When I was about 16, and decided to moved out of my momma’s house, and started Hustling,I’m thankful for the experience, but could have lived without going to jail, even years later, it still can affect your future.
Is there a website where people can go purchase your merchandise and dj screw cds and etc? you can always purchase any stuff from the Screwshop (Screwed Up Records & Tapes) at www.screweduprecords.com. Far As Me On Every Streaming Platform Under “Dj Red”
What’s next for Dj Red? Mixtapes, And Beats
If people wanna connect with you what are your social media outlets? @DjRed_Screwedupdeejay On Instagram /DjRed_Screwedup On Twitter/ DjRed Screwedupdeejay On Youtube
Is there anything you wanna add to the interview that I did not cover? Man, you good, appreciate you having me “Screw Luv”
Any last words or shout outs? Shoutout to Big Bubb and Big A For Keeping Dj Screw Legacy Alive, and Appreciate Every Person that Fucks With me (Screw Luv