Tammy S. Thomas was born and raised in Newport News, Virginia, into a military family. which she still resides at and take on the role as a single mother and grandmother. As a teen she thought of herself as unique and a loner, even though she had friends. Tammy discovered an outlet while writing in her journal to express her feelings. This was her way of dealing with her emotions. Along the way she began writing poetry, but didn’t know exactly what it was. She explains that writing is a way of relaxing and she enjoys it very much.
In 2011 she connected on Facebook and started to write poetry. Since then she has caught attention of other writers and friends with her catchy words and metaphors. They have told her that they can relate to her poetry and was inspired by them.
In 2015 she made her first interview appearance on Blacktopia Round Table Talk internet show to discuss her poetry and other issues in the community. And in 2016 she was invited back for a second interview and also had the pleasure of being a headliner for two poetry events on the show.
Tammy since then has became an author with Creative Talents Unleashed Publishing Company in October, 2016. And published her first anthology book in January of 2017, and also her first, solo poetry book in February of 2017.
Tammy hopes to continue to inspire through her words and to encourage others not to be afraid to speak out.