In a world saturated with cookie-cutter rappers it isn’t easy to stand out from the crowd. Zeeno is driven and focused and works hard to perfect his craft.
Over the past few years, Zeeno has performed in 15 different States with “Top Mics Tour”, an unsigned tour competition, many times as a featured artist. For two years he Co-Hosted Top Mics Radio and was instrumental in growing it to being the #1 show on! Zeenos’ work has caught the eye of many major blog sites and magazines.
Currently unsigned, Zeeno is considered to be one of New York’s best kept secrets. His music has been described as “an easy listen”. When asked what he thought about his own music he said, “You don’t have to be down with anything to like my music. If you like good music, then you’ll like my music.” When listening to his tracks one can almost visualize him spitting into the mic with passion and conviction.
Most recent music video:
Now That I Got Your Attention
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