Facebook/sound-cloud/reverbnation: Shae-Nitty =pages : NittyLiveTv. SNF .,
Hey I’m Shae-Nitty. My day of life is April 18, 1994. I am loving life as it blossoms. I was born in San Antonio, Texas; raised in Leesville, Louisiana; While doing some schooling in Saint Louis, Missouri! I am sop down to earth in the hippest ways. I enjoy smoothies and just enjoy eating my veggies. I have been a lonesome child for a while though with the comfort of my foundation. I have took on the ways to give comfort to nations all over the word. Ahh my gov’t: lol . LaShae Kohliem .
I have been writing music since 2010. I began to get in the booth in the year 2013. Though, believe me it was not at all as it seemed to be. I realized that I was beyond shy.. ooh.. man.. What did i do.
I traveled in the states pushing my creative talent. Which came to me starting my Non-profit Organization in 2013 !
I picked up on my poetry. As I came out of my shell. I have since 2015 created tags for the label ” Currency Committee” now located in California . In 2016 august, in GA, i decided to get back in the booth, tho on my own terms. I had one in my closet, and this is where I recorded my 1st mix-tape #ROLEMODELEPIC at.
I greatly am happy for the mountain I have climbed to the river I am rowing on.. Please indeed keep me in mind within your prayers.. I love positive movements ,and I believe in the honest solution of spiritual growth. I am really just an Inspirational Artist on the way to assist the growth in many lives all over . I am really rapping neo within the soul !
Personal Interests
, GRAPHICSBYSHAE . NITTYLIVETV, Hair . Growth Speaker . Lifting up nations
SHAENITTYFOUNDATION MY NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION. Coming Soon my Creative Works Program . A program for all ages and genders of any creative existence!