Radio Network hiphopradio2
Music with a focus on the positive spiritual message 7:00 pm EST (no host yet) phopradio2
We encourage to guest to promote what ever current projects & events they have going on.
Mondays: Battle Rap Explosions 10:00 pm EST
Rap Battles
Free Styles
Indie Artist rep their movements & brands Promotional Giveaways
Hosted by Mack Drama & Young Banks host/DJ
We encourage to guest to promote what ever current projects & events they have going on. phopradio2
Tuesdays Listening Party 10:00 pm Est Hosted by DJ Krave1017
Reviews of:
Indie & major artist. /topstarhiphopradio2
We encourage to guest to promote what ever current projects & events they have going on.
WednesdayPowertalk with OG Mack Drama
6:00 pm PST 9:00 pm EST
5 years running and going strong.
Interviews of artist, music/entertainment professionals.
Women In Business (monthly) from all professional disciplines make sure NO Offensive music to women is played during the segment
Legends of Hip Hop (monthly) pays homage to the forerunners of hip hop (past guests include; Kurtis Blow, Special Ed Onyx interviews & music).
Mack Drama has interviewed Venture Capitalist, Big Data Scientist, Street legends like The Real Rick Ross, Mama Joy from Real House wives, R&B artist Christopher Brown, Indie Artist Gucci Mane, Baby Bash and the list goes on to include ordinary citizens who love music.
We encourage to guest to promote what ever current projects & events they have going on.
Brief description / synopsis:
Power Talk is a weekly theme based talk show geared towards connecting listeners with the insights in the entertainment industry while providing a platform showcasing and promoting Independent artists. The 1st segment offers knowledge directly from leaders who run industry business behind the scenes such as Managers, Publicists, A/R, Record Label Executives, DJs, Marketing professionals, Digital and Print company’s, to name a few. During this segment we dialog with our guests, encouraging them to share relevant information from their experiences working directly inside the industry.
The 2nd segment includes a 15 minute talent showcase featuring an Independent artist allowing this guest to gain maximum exposure with our listening audience and to have any questions answered by our 1st segment guest. The 3rd segment pulls it all together when we interview up and coming/major artists who can relate to the information being shared throughout the previous segments. The show also allows listeners to call in to ask questions or they can interact with the host via the social networking site Twitter.
Target audience (preferred station, time, and demographics): African-American, Hispanic, White
9:00 p.m. EST., Wednesdays
Content of show (items, features and articles):
Listener Interaction Advertisements Guest Interviews Performances
Host / presenters: OG Mack Drama Production: Top Star Hip Hop Radio Show Reach: 300,000-450,000 listeners
Powertalk show format
1st Segment we go live at 6pm pST 9pm EST we play music continuously for about 20 minutes
After some radio drops I come live & make several announcements , mentions sponsors & affiliates introduce my team
1st guest usually between 9:20 pm EST & 9:35Pm EST in this case it will be Ms Malibu Miitch
We have intermission play several tracks
2nd segment will begin around 9:55pm – 10:00PM EST DABZZ Music
are Vegas based that’s 6:55PM PST -7:10pm PST
3rd segment is at 8pm PST 11pm EST its for over time we always go into overtime.
Thursdays- No regular programming Mack
Drama sometimes jumps on and plays: Throwbacks
Old School Funk
House Music
Old School Hip Hop Latin Salsa
We encourage to guest to promote what ever current projects & events they have going on.
http://www.blogtalkradio. com/topstarhiphopradio2
Fridays- is the same as Thursday no scheduled programming. opstarhiphopradio2
We encourage to guest to promote what ever current projects & events they have going on.
Saturdays – Top 20 hits (The play list of the
music we listen too, guests we interviewed & music posted to our music platform
We encourage to guest to promote what ever current projects & events they have going on.
http://www.blogtalkradio. com/topstarhiphopradio2
Call (347) 633-9588