Melinda Edenburgh Smith mother of three boys Mykel, Matthew, and Andre. Melinda was born and raised Cleveland, Ohio who currently resides in Atlanta, Ga. Melinda is a prolific writer, mentor, life coach, intercessor and worshipper that truly has a heart for and loves God’s people. CEO and founder of Phoenix Risings Enterprises, which includes her tax preparations and credits repair business. Melinda’s motto is “Rise, Rebuild, Restore” based on Isaiah 61:3 God will give you beauty for your ashes. Melinda is a radio personality, spoken word artist and life coach.
This book is how I dealt with a very dark period of my life. It’s a collection of expressions that were going through my mind when I couldn’t sleep. It kept me from falling into a very deep depression.
Poems of anger, selfs reflection and rediscovery of who I was in the great creator I am a child of God
Purchase the book here at this link
Follow Melinda Smith on Social Media at these links
Snap chat- king_raizer3
Instagram- phoenixrisings613
Twitter phoenuxrisings3
Facebook- Phoenix Flames Melinda