Rezarek first foray into learning how to assemble patterns of different lyrics began at the tender age of 5. His musical journey broadend his spectrum when analyzing political and social issues. Rezarek’s in-depth understanding of global issues, promoted his ambition to communicate musically.
As Music is an international language Rezarek specialized in hip hop, thus, he developed a unique style of musical rhythm by incorporating the traditional Caribbean soul with the modern hip hop era. As a result Rezarek introduced Canadians to an assembly of lyrical master pieces.
In essence Rezarek’s musical goal is to continue to inspire individuals from all forum of life to never abandon the hope that things maybe different.
Formally N.G.U. and now WARRIORS LINK a force of these times two performers bring a positive vibes to the hype. MR LINKS and REZAREK came together early 2015 after working solo for decades in their own right. This new link bring together two first generation Caribbean performers Myrko E. Coen aka REZAREK and Romeo G. Davidson aka MR LINKS. REZAREK born in Montreal, Canada but move to Queens NY where he adopted to his surrounding at an early age then return to Canada. The melody and passion for music brought him through various appearances including talent shows to Community event. This led him in a direction of perseverance while in the same breath MR LINKS was facing a similar path in the music fraternity. MR LINKS born in Kingston Jamaica a migrant to Canada since 1993, his first exposure to dancehall music was with one of his older brother. Even though it wasn’t something this brother had focused on MR LINK career came in full focused in 2015 when he teamed with a REZAREK forming NGU a first gestor then to a more marketable name WARRIORS LINK according to their producer. This group is the latest to come out of Canada’s capital city after generations of entrepreneurs in the art of music. The new singles from the NGU era and WARRIORS LINK are two track been gaining traction on the scene. WARRIORS LINK is set to be on the top of their game with a new game plan of clear direction and versatility in a complex industry that takes no prisoners.
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